How it works

Every Saturday the U.K.National Lottery will be used to choose the winning number (this way we do not control who wins).
The winning number will be the BONUS ball and you can check results HERE. or here in the side menu —->

You can pay with Potcoin, Bitcoin and many other altcoins using &

however the jackpot will always be paid in Potcoin.

The winner or winners will be contacted and announced via Reddit @ reddit/r/Potcoin shortly after the draw

You can purchase up to ten numbers per draw to improve your chance of winning

Please note only the first ten numbers you purchase will be counted all other purchases will be considered a donation to the POT this is to prevent cheating

How is the Pot shared?

70% of the POT goes to the winner if there is more than one winner the jackpot will be shared equally

10% of POT goes towards the next weeks pot so the jackpot will always get bigger and bigger!!!

10% of the POT will go to feeding the Potcoin faucet

10% of the POT goes towards hosting, website upgrades.

What if no winning number is picked

80% of the POT rolls over to next weeks pot

10% of the POT will go to feeding the Potcoin faucet

10% of the POT goes towards hosting, website upgrades.